Helping those that need it most

Together with the Rays of Hope foundation we’re working to help the people who lost their homes during recent fires that have spread throughout rural settlements. We’re currently looking to send at least 100 Put It Out mini fire extinguishers into Alex as soon as possible.

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  1. Type in your donation amount in the block below
  2. Click the Add Donation button on the right
  3. Click Proceed To Checkout, where you can pay using PayFast or other payment options.
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Put It Out Fire Extinguisher

The money from this purchase will send a Put It Out to someone in a rural community.

In order for us to reach that goal, a donation of at least R30 is needed, which will go towards the cost of the fire extinguisher, logistics and training rural communities on how to use the product.

Donate Here

  1. Type in your donation amount in the block below
  2. Click the Add Donation button on the right
  3. Click Proceed To Checkout, where you can pay using PayFast or other payment options.
Put in your donation amount here: